Sunday, August 31, 2008

Happy teachers' day

Celebrated teachers' day yesterday. Quite fun in class room & play musical chair etc... Hehehe. I didn't bring my camera again. Am always feeling so grrrrr when i forgot to bring camera... But they borrowed from other class people's so... Class photo next time lah ah.

Welllllll... can't go back to Edgefield Pri this year cos of art remedial... Told the rest i can't go back and WHO KNOWS Miss Lin cancelled it last min again!! WTFFFFFF! Everytime cancel cancel also last min. Make until i cannot go back Edgefield Pri. Damn pek chek.

Anyw went Hougang Mall & Bugis there for Library with Aries, XiaoQian, JooSim. Ate quite a lot yesterday. Damn full alr. Kept borrowing money from Aries :X

The library at Bugis there is soooo pretty & a very tall building... :D Again no photos grrrr. Anyw went to borrow & photocopy books for our Art Project.

Went home at night & Lynn was like... You die liao. Cos mum kept irritating Lynn to call my friends to see where am i :X But mummy never scold me -.-

And Byebye current B.B.T!! New Didis on Monday!! Sad or happy.
Oh and hehe holiday again :)

Wednesday, August 27, 2008


女生 :D

Best PC lesson ever today. Got to play Dinner Dash in computer lab coz related to PC module. Internet addiction :)

Meaning all current Didi-s will be leaving the show and new didi-s will be joining... D:

Tuesday, August 26, 2008


Joey, Haikal, Sufyan, Celine, Agnes, HuiXuan, Colin, Laura, Darilene, Yimin, Kalysah, Fran & i were there to do the shoe making yesterday.

Did until 8PM+ and daddy came to fetch Fran & i. Oreo was there to fetch me again!!! So cute arghzaxfvcnvdblanz.

Ate at the Kopitiam near Joey's house. The Chicken Cutlet Rice is so nice!!! Damn crispy :D...

Many plastic bags of shoes to be brought to school & only few of us stayed till 8PM+ so have to help to bring shoes home + bring again to school today. So funny... Everyone reach school with similar plastic bags and put at the same spot when reach...

Kk photos.
Oreo first:)














Reached home, did homework first before sleeping. Damn pek chek talking to dad -.-

Tests tomorrow... Need sleep... Need to watch Blackies & Mv... & i remembered i haven't finish watching my Animes -.- Omgz.

Monday, August 25, 2008

over night

Yuhui came to study ytd. Ended up watching TV. Then Fran came to have dinner with us before heading to join the others while Yh go home.

Joined Kalysha, Atiqah, Hani, Joey, Haikal, Sufyan for I&E Bazaar thing. Which is painting the shoes etc...









Moved to Haikal's house afterwards.
Ate, played Da Lao Er, and continue with our work.




Do until all fell asleep. Woken up by Lynn's call then she wanna fetch me so went home first :D Ck's friend's drove us back & Oreo was there to fetch me too!!!

So went home at 5AM without waking the rest up(Fran, Sufyan, Kalysha, Haikal, Atiqah). Ok sorry if name spelt wrongly... Sufyan snores very loud.... Haha. Anyw, Kalysha(?) got woken up by me i guess... She was awake when i left. Waited for Lynn they all... So damn cold while waiting. Brrrrrrr.

Reached home and sleep without changing clothes etc...

Got to go continue work again soon. Cyazzz.

Saturday, August 23, 2008



I&E Bazaar thing starts on today!!! So 3E4 is selling accessories like bracelets, necklaces, headband(made of beads actually), ring... AND SHOE! Those kinda shoe where you need to draw on it and pre-order first :) Accessories are hand-made by us!!!

I did one yesterday after school (missed CCA a little). Then Mr Wong ask me to cut off mine and take out the beads! Was poorly done -.- I think he didn't know its mine hahaha. Luckily i bought one from home which was Lynn's... And it's gonna sell at such a cheap price!!! Grrrrrr!!!!! I thought it was one interesting one cos although made of normal thicker string, you can adjust the size... :B

Managed to sell quite a number of accessories and as many as 50+ pre-order for shoe!! So far.

OH!!!!! I am so sad that i didn't manage to record OOXX MV on CHANNEL V!!! STUPID LYNN NEVER PUT BACK THE RECORDING DISC BACK TO PARENT'S ROOM... SO I CANNOT RECORD IT ON TIME!! GRR. Now i want record, but i think... No fate D: Everytime never show when i watch Channel V... When Felicia & JooSim keep sawing the MV over and over again...

MuoFangBangBangTang (MFBBT)... Touching episode on yesterday and today. Cried again omgz.

Kk off to dental bye.

Thursday, August 21, 2008


SS Time






...Have the time to update today coz... no homeworks, no shows now for me to watch :)

Door to door with Haikal for I&E Bazaar thingy today. Mr See say our And i'm also glad the CCA Duty Cleaning turns out well today... Cos i still dont know all the Erhu members :X but managed to talk to them to allocate this and that... Big phew!

But the broom i used is spoilt -.- Kept coming off while i sweep yet still have to rush -.-

Ohmygosh tomorrow comes the worst day of the week. Long lesson of Bio(Mrs Lau) and Erhu Sectional, heavy bags... etc etc.

And... Just realised The Academy is gonna show on Chnl U or Chnl 8? So long alr!!!! Now SCV is playing it's second part - On the First Beat. Yeaaaaaah i kinda like that show yayyayay. Left left left right lefty again.


Wednesday, August 20, 2008


Jazlyn and Francesca came over today. Hehehe wanted J to teach me TRIGO!!! Walau there's this Math test yesterday and i think i can get 0 coz... wrong calculator mode!! DEG becomes RAD. Anyw it's a good lesson so everyone better not make this mistake during EXAM. Nowonder i was feeling damn irritated during the test cos all i could get when i press the calculator was (-).

& thanks Jazlyn for helping me with the TOY Piano on how to play old song - Tian Mi Mi which i wanted to play for my dad... But i quarrelled badly with him on Sunday so i might not be playing for him anymore >=( Blood was rlly boiling that time. K shut up.

So updated today before Wed & Thurs cos it's CCA days again. Long days ahead soooooo. Hehe leave your with OOXX :)

Off to Bio homeworks :(

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Sushi, Schnauzer cut


I was super full alr... yet they continue eating and eating and eating -.-


Shan't elaborate. Need to go.

Monday, August 18, 2008

dogs + shows



Elix sent me Animal Farm. This little doggie(13 years old though...) is being abandoned and it's name is 11 August. It has 3 tumours too. But it's so cuteeee!!!!

And there's some other doggies as well in the show. Adopted by Super Junior.

Lynn finally watched the Mari show i asked her to watch. She cried toooo. O yeah

Saying about dogs... Oreo is at PP grooming now. Wonder how she'll look like later. Hehehe. Made us so embarrass when she bark -.- Gonna go fetch her later. Meanwhile, homeworks time.

Note to myself:
Hei Se Hui Mei Mei
Hei Tang Qun Xia Zhuan
Special A
Vampire Knight
Sister Princess(my gosh i finally watched this after a few years cos i used to want to buy this FEW YEARS AGO and watch it but somehow didnt manage to do so till now. So just started watching it yesterday!!!)
Animal Farm

Saturday, August 16, 2008


Sweating a lot now... Am so lazy to even go switch on the fan.

Art was pretty okay and had Sushi before Art with Aries, XiaoQian, Fathimah, JooSim. Such a waste to buy Bubble Tea! Too sweet for me. I don't really like sweet thingys... So i ended up giving the rest to JooSim and it's more than half-cup given to her! :D

Also!!! Due to this busy week, i have no time for Oreo... Poor her... Little pokie dokie lokie tokie hokie yokie gokie fokie bokie mokie nokie vokie cokie wokie sokie zokie qokie xokie rokie( i always say this out of a sudden to Oreo haahha)

Enough of crapping! Time for. Oreo :$(imagine a shy face will you)

Friday, August 15, 2008


This week is damn tiring...

For Monday, XiaoQian, Gabriel, JooSim came over to bake cake for Rebecca & to do art powerpoint... Presentation tomorrrow zzz.

Went Ngee Ann Poly on Tuesday for some Nursing thing? To teach us this and that. Was quite fun though :) Especially how you look after the baby(wipe the face, bathe it) and you know when doctors use the idk what thing to hear your heart or lungs or whatever... I heard myself. So i was a doctor for a minute. Not...



And Gabriel suppose to come to take the cake but he forgot when i still called him... In the end i have to bring it to school the next morning and my hand was shivering when i take the pledge you know!!!! Ok you don't..

Anyway, stay backs for CCA & Art Remedial too... Woo and Art Remedial AGAIN TOMORROW WHYY :(

Furthermore i stayed up until late nights for 2 days to watch show!! I planned to sleep as early as 9PM yesterday. Ended up at 11PM +. O welllllll.

I still have some shows to watch... My Wo Ai Hei Se Hui, Special A, Vampire Knight, Hei Tang Qun Xia Zhuan... I realised so many people are watching Special A and Vampire Knight!!

Ok, now Olympics!!! Swimming of course! Relay. USA. Cool. Fast. World Record!! Micheal Phelps! Oh oh i remembered during Physics we talked about the olympics and also about what retrenchment? And Mr Chan asked about what our parents work as etc...

Darilene: My father works in the sea.
Then we all laughed.
Darilene: I mean on the sea.

LOL!! And what comes to my mind was...


Monday, August 11, 2008


Yay, have another SCV in the house (living room). This time it's even better with more channels and most importantly, ANIMAX!!!!

Coz there's no Animax channel in parent's room...

So i think i'm going to watch Alice Academy later.


Watched The Olympics with Elix & Dad just now. Swimming swimming swimming :D I think i'm only interested in swimming... and volleyball, beach volleyball...? :)

The swimming reminds me of Aqua Heroes. Again!!! I like i like though i can't swim -.-

And wanted to go to Marina with Fran to join the others but daddy dont let @#$%^& So unlucky that he's at home yesterday(oh well afterall it's public holiday)! Is it? It is right.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Hey Girl


Friday, August 8, 2008

National Day Celebration

I like it when it comes to National Day Celebrations! I love those kind of united feeling verrrrry much.

So i enjoyed the singing part very much cos i kinda like National Day's songs & those kind of united feeling when all sing together.

It actually reminds me of 2E4!!!! The inter-class competition last year where each class were to choose a song and sing...perform... Yeah!!!! I forgot whats the song titled 2E4 chose though. And i really miss those days where we need to stay back & practice the song as well as the actions. And we even bought shirt(red & white) and white gloves(which some are then sprayed red). And the AVA Room time where there's jujdges hahaha hehehe i like that timez :D

Only that it's a pity that on the actual day Haikal couldn't join us because of some disciplinary problems? I heard they say that when our class perform, he's looking from far away and when we finish, he walked back downstairs...

Arghhh it's so sad :(

Anyway, i prefer last year luh. Furthermore there are so many events going on in just a short period of time like the Official School Opening, Common tests, National day... Maybe that's why we didn't interclass competition again? Ok whatever.

Anyway Common Test is over on Wednesday!!! Phew.

OH YES. 黑Girl song today will be out? I mean... as in... shown in Channel V? Cos i only know 8/8 dont know what what what. I thought i will be going to see them appearing on WoAiHeiSeHui today... But it doesn't seem to be the case :( Oh yes... and their hairstyle all changed. GuiGui's hair....short. Doesn't look pretty now. Sigh!!!(ok maybe she does, cos i only saw her for a short while which i can't really say anything about her looks then!) And i can't believe... i thought Apply is XiaoXun. I thought there's 2 XiaoXun in the advertisement. So it's actually Apple... I can't believe i cannot differentiate them omgz.!!

O, and i feel like going NPCC. I mean why didn't i join it earlier. I like it when marching you know those kinda united feeling again & seeing the NPCC their relationships are like so united, good? And... i like the part where it goes... "Left left, left right left, left left, left right left!!!!"

Happy Birthday Singapore in advance :)

Wednesday, August 6, 2008


Met Cookie after few years of not visiting her! Very cute & fat :D

Cookie's eyebrows looks like fringe to me. Interesting!

Cookie, cute? :)

Oreo is tired after a long day out...